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Education for Future-Readiness | Chansocheata Poum | TEDxCamEd Business School

"Way to Wisdom" ChanSocheata Poum, Founder and CEO at Snoopedu Education, a university lecturer, and ...View More

A Way Forward | Sochenda Aok | TEDxCamEd Business School

"Way to Wisdom" An environmental content creator in Cambodia, also known as, a “zero waste girl”. Sh ...View More

Live Intentionally | Thomith Chin | TEDxCamEd Business School

"Way to Wisdom" Chief Executive Officer & Founder of iDEN Agency, an unconventional communication an ...View More

The Next Step, The Step of Discovery | Chanreangsey Leng | TEDxCamEd Business School

"Way to Wisdom" As a highly experienced and diligent tax consultant with a passion for assisting ind ...View More

Stop Wishing, Start Working | Toufa ly | TEDxCamEd Business School

"Way To Wisdom" Ms. Ly Toufa is a junior majoring in Business Administration at Paragon Internationa ...View More

AI Unleashed: Boosting Creativity & Humanizing Brain | Jason Chumtong | TEDxCamEd Business School

"Way to Wisdom" Since June 2023, Mr. Jason Chumtong has served as the Country Director of KAS Cambod ...View More

Learning WIthout Limit | Rachana Ly | TEDxCamEd Business School

"Way to Wisdom" Ms. Ly Rachana is an undergraduate student, pursuing a dual degree in Accounting and ...View More

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